
BEMER is your only option to rapidly re-establish circulation in your limbs affected by diabetes:

  • Improvement of oxygen supply and glucose metabolism (allowing a gradual reduction of prescription drugs);
  • Activation of the body's own nitric oxide system leads to improved blood circulation and a decreased risk of thrombosis, as well as improved micro-circulation, which reduces the risk of developing micro- and macroangiopathy;
  • Radically close non-healing wounds and save your affected limbs from amputation;
  • Anti-oedemic effect;
  • Regulation of the nerve metabolism, which positively influences diabetic poly-neuropathy;
  • Activation of the immune system;
  • Stimulation of any remaining insulin producing cells in the pancreas;
  • Psycho-autonomous relaxation.


Amputation of foot prevented with BEMER
A diabetes patient who had been treated with insulin for many years incurred a foot injury (Wooden beam fell on his foot). This became infected and progressed to ischaemia and necrotic changes of the forefoot (Gangrene). The consulting vascular surgeon recommended amputation in the area of the lower leg. Initially, treatment consisted of antibiotics, medication to improve blood circulation and BEMER applications. The intensive applicator was utilised 2-3 times per day for a period of 2 weeks. Due to the significant improvement, which occurred within this time period, only one toe had to be amputated instead of the entire foot, as initially recommended.

To support the healing process, the treatment with BEMER was continued at the patient's home for the following two weeks. Despite the surgeon's grim prognosis, the wound cleared up completely with no further complications.

Observations of a medical doctor

Patient: G.B., born 1/6/1930
Condition: Diabetes mellitus type II for 30 years, cholelithiasis, arterial hypertension, 21 years of paresthesia and permanent pain in both legs and hands, opening the hand from a fist is only possibly with severe pain. After a thorough clinical examination, treatment with Thioctacid 600 followed due to suspicion of diabetic poly-neuropathy. BEMER therapy was undertaken twice daily, level 4 in the morning and level 1 at night (due to sleeping problems). After the third treatment the severe pain in both hands and legs was gone.

Patient: H.S.
This male patient, aged 65, has been suffering from diabetes for 24 years; however health problems only started to show approximately 8 years ago. He experienced kidney problems, impaired vision, and poor circulation in the hands and feet. Two years ago, the fourth toe on the right foot had to be amputated and the resulting scar healed very poorly, causing swelling and considerable pain from the foot to the knee. Infusions, aimed at 'flushing through the blood vessels', were undertaken at a health clinic. The treatment took 4 weeks and cost the health insurance approximately AU$ 10 000.00. Repeat infusion treatments were planned at 3-monthly intervals. The loss of his toe caused the patient enormous problems when walking, as it prevented him from rolling his foot. He could now only walk on his heel, resulting in a permanent limp. The treating physiotherapist was aware that scientific research showed very good results in the treatment of diabetes with pulsating electromagnetic fields. Thus, she recommended the use of the BEMER to this patient.

Treatment with the BEMER was carried out for three months (August - October 2000) with the following effects:

  • Definite improvement of patient's general state of health
  • Tests showed improved kidney function
  • Improved arterial blood supply to the legs (tested at Bad Berka with a Doppler sonogram)
  • Rolling of the right foot became possible again
  • Patient's capability to perform physical activity improved significantly. (He was now able to walk the dog, do gardening, grocery shopping etc)

In a European wide user study among doctors conducted under the auspices of the AFB, the effects of the BEMER Therapy Systems on humans were and are being documented. A total of 1116 cases were evaluated and since a large number of these patients were afflicted with several illnesses a total of 2031 cases of illness were found. The following results were documented in 319 written records after an average therapy time of six to seven weeks

NB: is it important to note that as BEMER therapy was continued, the ‘no change’ percentage decreased and the ’complaint free’ percentages increased.

Information about Diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is a chronic disorder of the glucose metabolism, resulting from inadequate production or use of insulin, a hormone, produced in specialized cells in the pancreas that allows the body to use and store glucose. In the worst case, the body is producing no insulin and glucose can no longer be metabolised, consequently leading to increased levels of blood sugar. The pancreas is an elongated, tapered organ weighing around 70 to 100g. It is located across the back of the abdomen behind the stomach. In order to carry out its key function of digesting carbohydrates, fats and proteins, the pancreas consists of two fundamentally different types of cell structures:

Exocrine & endocrine tissue.
The exocrine tissue secretes enzymes, which help break down carbohydrates, fats, proteins, and acids in the duodenum. It also secretes bicarbonate to neutralise stomach acid in the duodenum. The hormones secreted by the endocrine tissue are insulin and glucagon (regulates glucose levels in the blood) and somatostatin (prevents the release of the other two).

Because carbohydrates, sugar in particular, can only be absorbed by the cells with the assistance of insulin, this substance is of utmost importance for the metabolism of the entire organism. A lack of insulin causes blood sugar levels to rise, resulting in severely impaired cell metabolism. In the circulatory system such high blood sugar levels cause damage to blood vessels, reduce the blood's capacity to bond oxygen, as well as decreasing its flowing capacity. This ultimately increases the risk of thrombosis and blocked arteries. The longer diabetes is left untreated and blood sugar levels remain dangerously high, the greater the risk for long term damage, especially to the blood vessels.

In terms of symptoms and treatment concepts we distinguish between two basic types of diabetes:

Type I:

  • Limited or no production of insulin requires insulin therapy from the beginning. Usually occurs before the age of 40.
  • Genetic disposition. Based on an autoimmune reaction, (viral infections, environment etc) insulin- producing beta cells are destroyed.

Type II:

  • Congenital or acquired, reduction in responsiveness to the body's own insulin, which is typically a sign of over-nutrition and obesity.
  • Treatment with various kinds of drugs is possible.

Primary treatment of both types is a series of dietary adjustments!
Only when 80% or more of the body's own insulin production fails, do one third to one half of all patients feel the characteristic symptoms of fatigue, decreased efficiency, weight loss, cramps in the calve muscles, itchiness, excessive thirst, frequent urination, susceptibility to infections.

From the onset of the disease to the appearance of these symptoms it can take weeks, months or even years. It therefore becomes imperative for individuals at risk to regularly have their blood sugar levels tested. The longer blood sugar levels remain high, the greater the risk of severe damage occurring later on. This particularly relates to the blood vessels with around 70 of all diabetics dying from the consequences of cardiovascular diseases.
Damage to the blood vessels resulting from diabetes occurs in two forms: microangiopathy and Macroangiopathy.

Microangiopathy is the consequence of constantly high blood sugar levels, which results in damage to the inner walls of small blood vessels, especially the delicate capillaries. This leads to decreased blood circulation in sensitive organs such as the retina and the kidneys, which in turn results in serious organ failure and disease. The situation is worsened still by changes in the blood's viscosity and an increased risk of thrombosis. Microangiopathy plays a significant role in the development of nerve damage (poly-neuropathy), cardiac insufficiency, and the 'diabetic foot'.

Macroangiopathy strongly resembles general arteriosclerosis of the major blood vessels in its appearance. However, the condition manifests itself much more pronounced and develops much more rapidly in the diabetic. The addition of risk factors, such as hypertension, impaired lipid metabolism, obesity, lack of exercise and smoking, greatly increases the probability of complications. Typical characteristics of diabetic macroangiopathy are coronary heart disease, increased risk of strokes and peripheral arterial disease in the legs. The latter causing patients considerable pain in the calves and feet even when walking very short distances. After walking longer distances (usually only possible with many breaks) these patients generally feel an extreme heaviness and tiredness in the legs. In many cases the situation is exacerbated by a simultaneously existing poly-neuropathy, which reduces perspiration, causing very dry skin and damaging the skin's natural protective film. This greatly increases the chance of very minor injuries becoming infected and developing into ulcers, which are difficult to treat. Furthermore, the patient's senses relating to pain and temperature can also be impaired, making him/her more vulnerable to incur injuries. Blocked arteries adversely affect blood circulation and metabolism, which leads to impaired growth of bones, skin, and nails.

The 'diabetic foot' develops over years due to a combination of high blood sugar levels (often the consequence of incorrect diet); lack of exercise and the above mentioned risk factors. The risk of total blockage of local blood vessels resulting in the amputation of single toes is 50 times greater in a diabetic than a person of the same age with a normal metabolism!
Diabetes patients run a high risk of needing to have toes, feet or even entire legs amputated. Measures to prevent such serious complications are therefore of vital importance.