Electromagnetic Energy is Essential for Life

The Earth's Magnetic Field

We live under the influence of the earth's natural electro-magnetic field which shields us from harmful gamma rays from outer space. It also forms a vital basis of stimulation for important metabolic processes in every cell.

Root Cause of Illness

Often, with an illness or pain, the symptoms are treated and the root causes of the problem are not sufficiently explored. Scientific research shows that the symptoms are merely the tip of the underlying problem; the foundation of most illnesses lies deeper: disturbances in molecular processes interfere with the body's natural regulatory processes, which in turn weaken the proper functioning of cells and organs. This is the level on which BEMER therapy works.

Humans self-healing

All living organisms consist of trillions of highly specialised cells. Cells are the basic "Building blocks" of all life. All essential processes in the organism are based on the interaction with electromagnetic energy and chemical processes. The human body has self-regulating and self-Healing abilities. These crucial mechanisms can only function optimally when the body has a sufficient supply of energy (ATP). Illness only has a chance when the body is too weak to heal itself. When a large number of cells of a particular organ do not have enough energy to carry out their function, that organ has a lower level of performance. It has been established that every disease condition starts with an energy deficiency in the cell. Chronic symptoms are a noticeable sign of a group of cells under stress: lack of oxygen, lack of exercise, poor dietary habits and psychological stress.

The effect of lifestyle & Environmental factors on our bodies

Stress and environmental pollutants strain the body. Our rushed modern lifestyle, lack of exercise and generally poor dietary habits, as well as the environmental stresses, lead to an impairment of the cells' metabolism and thus detrimentally affect the vital energy balance. The results are high acidity levels, a decrease in vitality, increase in degenerative processes and chronic diseases as well as a higher susceptibility to illnesses. The body's natural self-regulating mechanisms are weakened.

The effect of BEMER therapy

The fundamental principle of BEMER therapy is that the signal influences electrically charged particles, or ions, which are found in all living organisms. The BEMER signal energetically enables the body's cells to carry out their prescribed function properly, what they were meant to do in the first place.

Scientifically Proven Effects of BEMER